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November 08, 2007



Yes! Paralyzing layers of expectation...love that. What you said about the beautiful mitten knitting can cross over into so many other things. Keep leaping!


I completely get this post. The extra bonus is that your mitten is so pretty!


Must practice! You've made great strides...the mitten is so pretty!!


My inner voice comes out when I nap during the day and my mind is drifting. I should do that more often, probably...


i love the miitens i think they will be worth all the work you've put into them!


..and if you make a pair of mittens that's too big, just give it to your daughter for Christmas! My birthday is coming up, too. ;)


those look cozy and warm, i like them.


I'm still fearful of my one try that was a disaster but I think you make a good case for trying again.


I have been trying to work on this, for this reason: I HATE non-gussetted thumbs. And most of those traditional mitten patterns have those. I will NEVER wear them -- they just are not practical. But I do want to knit the mittens for their sheer beauty. So, yes, I am working on convincing myself of the non-expectation of wearing the finished product. :)


Okay, I have to admit this is the secret project I mentioned on my blog today. I have the Latvian mitten book, but don't think I'm ready for those, especially at such a fine gauge. I picked up Folk Mittens yesterday and I'm going to give the Selbu mitten a try. I was hoping to have them as a Christmas gift for Chloe. Would you recommend the other books you show there? I was thinking about getting Selbuvotter.

Your mitten is fabulously beautiful. I hope to someday get to that point myself!


Oh my, that does take my breath away and I love, love, love the colours you chose. So beautiful! I adore small gauge knitting and am looking forward seeing your finished mittens.


How could I have missed that gorgeous Christmas Stocking you made in 2005? Wonderful!

All these knitting posts everywhere make me want to cave and start knitting - instead of finishing my godson's quilt or even starting my MIL's quilt, due next FEB.

Mimi K



The voice in your head is SO VERY SMART!!! Your mitten is looking fantastic. ; )


Your mitten is so beautiful! I can't wait to see what comes next.


Delish!!! Do I detect a hint of Cheddar????
Love the color combos...you never cease to inspire!!!!!!


you are making such headway!! i can't wait to choose my colors for the pair i'm getting for christmas.., or i'll take those if they are too big for you AND molly!


It's amazing when the light of good sense dawns. I think you're absolutely on the right track plunging into a project. No guts, no glory. And what you're showing looks pretty glorious to me.


Hello from Maine....

Thank you for this post. Mittens are a frontier I would like to explore at some point. It's good to be reminded to enjoy/learn from the process rather than focus on the product.

(Haven't blogged in years now but I am doing flickr.)

gray la gran

it's so beautiful! i figure that if something like that doesn't fit, it would look lovely hanging on the wall =)


Your mittens are gorgeous!! I have a good friend who lived in Latvia and knits. She has been searching for a copy of Mirdza Slava's book. Is that it in your photo? Can you give me any more info about the book? ISBN, full title, etc? Thanks!!!


Surprinsinly to see that selbuvotter book in english. I grew up with selbuvotter on my hands, and learned to make them at the age of 12. Sorry I don't knit anymore - only quilting for me. I think you do wonderful knitting with a lot of colors.
Solvi in Norway


You've come a long way, girl :D
The Latvian mittens are just beautiful!

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