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March 01, 2006



Look at all that color beauty...


Aren't those pretty? I will have to do that. Hmmmm... what can I make?


Wow. And here I'm lucky to come up with some sock yarn that has red or pink in it! :)


Wow. And here I'm lucky to come up with some sock yarn that has red or pink in it! :)


stop. tempting me. Must. not. start. anything.new...must. give. birth. and remember no sleeping..for several months...


Oh! MY FAVORITES. That's an inspiring photo for sure. I wonder why I haven't really made a quilt out of just red and pink? I'll have to ponder that one.


Ooooh, pretty. I'm knitting red socks and those will be followed by pink socks. Does that count?


Oh, what an amazing stack of fabrics. My mouth is watering and my fingers are itching just looking at them.


That looks great. You could just put it in a glass jar to admire.


Do I detect a FEW polka dot prints in that pile of dee-lish-ness?

joanne S

Why pink and red in March? I would think we had enough pink and red in February? I must be missing something. thank you so very much for the travel log of your trip to Japan. It was as close to being there as one gets reading a journal. Lovely.


thanks so much for the link - how have i not heard about this before? of course i joined! :)

Gillian Greding

Thanks SO much for telling us about Project Spectrum. I so signed up! I'm excited!!!


oh, such NICE colour collecting, A quilt?


Oh my - that is a highly enviable fabric stash you have there! Beautiful! Can't wait to see what you have in store for the Project ;)


The best pink and reds I have ever seen!


Wow -- what a lovely picture!! I'm inspired to start raiding my stash!!


i can't tell you how much i enjoy looking at photographs like this! gorgeous. can't wait to see what you come up with -- project spectrum is going to be so much fun.


I clicked on your blog for a sneak peek at work and I've been dreaming about your stack all day. Must do same over weekend!


Love it. Now can you put them all side by side so we can see each and every one?

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